Protect your estate with a professional Will
In these very challenging times, many people are giving thought to how prepared they are for an emergency. Part of being prepared is having a Will, but 51% of Canadians don’t even have one and 35% have one that is out-dated. There are many sources for so called “do-it-yourself” Wills, but a Will is a legal document that lays out your wishes for your estate and your heirs. If you do your own taxes and make a mistake the CRA will point it out. If you make a mistake in your Will, you are likely never going to know about it, but your heirs will.
Easy, Quick and Affordable
Halcyon Legal employs professionals who are experts in the creation of Wills and Powers of Attorney. We know what questions to ask and how to structure solid documentation that covers all of your wishes and assets. Some estates may be more complex than others, but our process is always easy and quick because we are doing the work, not you.
How Much Does It Cost?
Our Will and Powers of Attorney package for a couple starts at $750 plus HST and is $600 plus HST for a single person. Your existing Wills and Powers of Attorney can be updated as required for as little as $250.
How Long Will It Take?
Our process typically takes three weeks from initial consultation to signed documents. When the situation permits it, there will be 2 in-person meetings (initial and signing) and one phone meeting (in person if you prefer). While the COVID-19 pandemic persists, we can execute all documentation electronically via telephone, email, or video chat, and we can arrange for legal electronic signatures of all final documents.
You will need to spend about 30 minutes thinking about your wishes and gathering some information for us.
You Can Start Right Now
Contact us by phone, email, or the client intake form on our website to schedule your free, no obligation 30 minute initial meeting.
If you wish to proceed with us, give some thought to these questions:
• Who will be the people who will take care of your affairs? Normally, but not always, spouses name the other spouse and then someone else as an alternate.
• Are there any specific gifts (money or possessions) that you want to give to specific people or charities? For instance, your engagement ring to your daughter, or $1,000 to a charity.
• Where do you want the rest of your assets to go? Often spouses will leave everything to the other and then divide it among their children or families.
• If you have minor children, who will be their guardians?
• Who will make health care decisions for you if you can’t?
If you are not sure of your answers, we would be more than happy to help you figure out those answers. At the end of the initial meeting, we will provide a firm written quote and give you a simple form to take with you to complete.
460 West Hunt Club Rd. Suite 206, Ottawa
(613) 763-4543